viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

Within The Rain

It is wonderful to just take a moment, walk through the tree-covered streets while the dark night covers the sky with its dark velvet sheet, feeling the drops caressing your skin, getting your clothes wet, making them heavier, filled with water; the fresh wind blowing at your face, the thunder roars above you, high up in the sky lights will make the scene bright once in a while and showing what lies ahead, that scene that the lights won’t show, ghostly and yet wonderful.

Looking at the mirrors that appear bellow guessing how deep can they be, wondering if you could pass through with your feet dry, it doesn’t even matter, take a step and walk through find out that it was deep and how the water refreshes your skin, the wet nature all around you whispering in that cold, moist and dark scene, how it feels to be within the forest, within the nature.

Take a deep breath and you stop walking through asphalt, start caressing the trees, feeling how the ground becomes dirt and grass, the scent of peppermint covers the space with its subtle hair letting you dream and go on, move away from the city into a place where you are alone, the rain hits your skin, every sense is involved feeling the moment, so special, it’s just you and the environment, together, a delightful moment of emotions that nature will bring you, the dream of romance with the kiss under the rain, the heartbreak that walks alone through the trees wondering where did it go wrong, the joy of being yourself and just that, no covers it’s  just you and nature and you are loved because of being there, because of taking the chance, because you are not greater, nor lower, you simply are you, you taking a moment to live, taking a moment with yourself, you with the rain…