jueves, 23 de enero de 2014


It was a rainy evening and the cold wind was blowing through the trees in the park, I walked through the benches and reached a little covered area with a table were I finally was able to take shelter from the increasing storm that was over me.

I crossed my arms over the cold stone table and rest my face there, I could feel the heat of my breath warming up my face as my eyes drifted into the darkness of my arms against the table, then slowly I began to notice the sound of the wind through the leaves, the sound of the grass moving close to my feet, further away the drops of the rain smashing against the sidewalk making small pools where the drops splashed lightly when they fell on it.

The next thing that happened it was me opening my eyes after what it seemed that I had fallen asleep, I looked up and there was a night dark gray sky, the rain was still pouring around me and out of nowhere a figure materialized before me.

It was a girl wearing a velvet dress and a hat, my mind started spinning. Where did she came from?! I started to wonder that probably she arrived while I was asleep, however when I got to cover the rain was already pouring down and she looked dry.

"Um, hi" I finally said.

"Oh ... hi!" She said back at me with a smile.

"Are you okay?" I managed to ask, to that she left a giggle and nodded, then I asked "How did you got here?"

After a quick giggle she said "With magic"

And that wasn't an answer I could just accept quietly, so my common sense send out a quick strike back after a laugh "Magic doesn't exist"

"Oh but it does" She said "It's just that people like you don't really understand it or think of it as something else, no wonder why you never actually see the magic" After saying that she left out a giggle.

Then I asked her what did she mean by that, she looked at me with her big blue eyes and said.

"Magic is something that exists, there are two kinds of people we can find in the magical world, those who believe in magic and those who don't believe in magic, simple as that. To those people who believe in magic, magic is real and it gives them a sense of security. Do not expect magic to materialize within the material realm, because it does not belong in here. That is usually the biggest problem, people want to see magic happen, how to fix a broken plate, how to bring someone back to life, but no, magic happens in a more um ... spiritual realm"

"Spiritual realm? So it means you can't really proof magic works" I replied

She giggled as if that was exactly the answer she expected and then continued.

"Magic does exist to those who believe in it, because magic is also something very personal, it can not be explained because magic is the unexplainable. When you want to be at some place and you wish for that hard enough and give your heart and soul into that wish, there is no HOW things will happen, there is just WHAT will happen, the rest you just trust it to magic, and when you do and you are willing to do ANYTHING to make your wish come true, then magic happens, because magic also can't manifest itself on your heart if you are not willing to do what you are asking for. If you are not prepared and ready to do something, no magic will be able to do it for you."

"Then what is magic good for?" I asked with triumphant feeling.

"Magic is not an ability to change the out world, is an ability to explain the out world to yourself and create a wonderful inner world for you where everything is right, a world were you can keep your emotions and feelings stabilized, that is what the act of magic is, that is why you can't see magic without love, that is also why determination is the key to make magic happen." Her eyes were like stakes going through mine.

That answer had left me stunned, it was clear, direct even if it was quite a personal and not able to be proven right, that reply had got in my head, I looked down to the table. Then when I looked up. I was alone.

Was that a dream? Had that conversation really taken place? There so many questions in my head but when I got up from my seat there was something of what I was pretty sure, magic was deeper than what we thought of it, it was amazing and it really allowed us to make our existance better, it could turn the gray days to happy and colorful ones.

That night a learned a magic spell for happiness.

It is very simple.

The moment you wake up,  look up and thank the existence for allowing you to be awake, then go out with a SMILE on your face.

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