viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

Xmas Pause

Christmas eve time has finally arrived, slowly the family gets together and have dinner, all together the celebration starts, yet  while some people are waiting for christmas to arrive the next day to open their gifts, some over look at the blessings that life is giving them.

Loving families, food in their tables, a warm place to be, a moment of peace and joy. Those are the true gifts that life grants us this christmas. Its so simple, but hugs, laughs, smiles and even a little mischief are wonderful pieces of life that gives us moments to treasure when the skies are gray and be able to go on with a smile through life.

Let Christmas remind you the tons of blessings that are in your path and the reasons to keep a smile in your face and the joy in your heart.

Merry Christmas.

sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013


The winter wind blew for the first time through the forest and the whole coven felt the announcement of the beggining of Yule. Men and women were gathered within the snow covered forest moved up towards the hilltop, among them a young boy ran through the woods feeling the cold wind on his face as he raced up, his boots smashed into the branches and leaves making them crack up while he kept running, breathing heavily and happily on the cold air he turned and saw people stopping on some trees while others kept moving towards the hilltop as he was. 

His cloak got stick on a tree making him almost meet the ground, he stumbled, pulled the warm fabric, left out a giggle and kept running up, a flute bouncing on his back as he held his bag tightly next to him.

Finally he reached the top of the hill and looked around, all the trees were being shadowed by a man or a women, they all pulled their respective flutes from their backs and a little box out of their bags. Everyone was ready and he had to get into his place, so quickly and with a huge smile on his face he started climbing the thick tree trunk facing up at the skies.

The cold air played with his hair as he kept moving close to the tree, his hands holding firmly to the rind, he arrived to one of the top branches and sit there. The whole hill descended towards him and the forest showed his elegance and magnificence in the night, while gazing at the breath taking view his sight got clouded and a pair of tears rolled down his face and arched into his smile. 

Deep in and out he took a slow breath and then looked up to the silver shinning moon it was time, he pulled a little box out of his bag and opened it. He then openned a little iron lamp with crystal sides, took a match from the box and lit the candle within the lamp. After this the rested his back on the tree and pulled the flute to his lips.

He started blowing a song that  went down hill into the woods as little lights were lit in all the trees around, slowly the whole hill was lit by the lamps and the flute song got carried away into the forest announcing that the Yuletide had begun. The brighter times were now coming to the land and the hill glow with the warmth of the spirit from the coven as they all started following the song one by one, the song quickly became the powerful bewitching anthem of joy and glory. 

Up high into the skies rose the music of the night carrying the coven's spirits, wishes and blessings into the heavens. The time of joy had begun and it light up the darkness of the forest as the flame of hope that was lit by everyone giving warmth and light into the dark and cold forest as a shinning pillar of hope the music and the light rose up into the heaven covering everyone's dreams giving hope and love into the world.

The time to rejoice has come, join the mainstay of the coven, we invite you, raise your spirit and feel the music of the night, let us illuminate the world in these times of darkness and bring the warmth of love to those who are in the cold of loneliness.

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

... Let Go

There comes one moment in life when everything seems so rough and the road seems going up hill. And as hard as it can be sometimes the true solution for this is just to realize that it is ourselves who are the responsible for this roughness.

The air seems to get thicker to us and our legs seem to be so tired of the road we've walked so far as we kept hoping to see the results we hoped to turn into our way. Our mind seems to blur on the frustration when our dreams seem to be so far away, so out of reach and the feeling of letting go comes up to us and the impulse to cut it off and let things go on a different way is harder on our hearts, aching as a blister made from the effort of keeping up the hope when times seemed to go against you.

To all those people out there who feel like that right now, to all of those who feel all their efforts and their hard work doesn't seem to show any results in the end and those who start feeling like they've wasted their time I just want to let them know that the pursuit of a dream is always a worth path to walk, hearing your inner voice and letting it guide you to a path that fulfills you may seem to take you nowhere for some people but the true journey in which you travel is really a crystallization from within that makes you grow and shine as a human being while we let our own individuality take us to places where we meet with the universe and we become one as we become one in time and space.

Those little moments are rarely seen by others, however they bring a sense of value to the self that goes beyond limits and people might not see it but they do sense it.

So if you feel that your travel is so hard that is pushing you to quit, remember that sometimes when you push all the energy into the universe to make something happen, it will move itself to make your wish happen and sometimes it's just time to let the universe work, handle control out, relax, let go of things a little bit and have faith that everything will happen in good time.

Sometimes when life turns uphill and makes us face the ground several times on the way we are picking up foolishly and it is not trying to make our goals impossible for us, but it's just trying to make us realize that we have to relax and let things flow.

Start your goals, work towards them, and trust the universe because slowly everything will fall in place and when things seem to go off track, just keep working towards your own goals and the rest will straighten up to your rute on time to make you arrive to your destiny. So make sure you are enjoying the journey because each path we walk, we will only walk it once in our lives.

Let go of ego, let go of control, let go of perfection. Relax. Breath. Enjoy the moment, there here and the now. Have faith in the universe that everything will work out fine and treasure every phase that knocks on your door. We came to this world to enjoy life and treasure it, be sure to remember that when sometimes focus is gone into things like work and debts. Life is here. Now. Make sure you enjoy it.

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013


The night blanket covered the cloudy skies of that winter evening on Mexico City, the wind blew it's cold air softly but constantly playing with the leaves on the trees through all of the Reform Passage Boulevard, it was cold and the cloudy night started showering softly the whole area with a soft breeze, a figure looked out through the glass on a hotel lobby into the dark night.

He walked out of the W Hotel and into the black town car that was waiting for him in front of the hotel and slide within the car holding an envelope into his hands. The small drops fell into the glass as he stared out into the night while the town car went by through traffic. He started adjusting his ponytail and fringe that was almost all the way down to his chin, he pulled the long brown hair back and took out his cellphone then looked out into the scenario again. The diming light of the cars and the places on the side of the streets combined with the rain slowly falling gave the whole scenario a wonderful dreamland look. The pavement was shining and the lights dancing around like fireflies.

The town car slowly stopped at a golden lit cover, having a carpet by its side, it was the elegant entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel, the door was opened and he went out of the car and into the carpet, he adjusted his jacket and started walking into the lightened lobby of the Hotel holding the envelope tightly. When he reached the middle of the room he looked up at the hanging chandelier and looked around hoping to find a familiar face.

Slowly she slide out of the car and wrapped her arm around her boyfriend's, her other hand picked up a bit of her dress and she moved through the carpet into the elegant lobby where she spotted the tall figure of a man who she hadn't seen in many years.  She held the envelope in her hand tightly and walked slowly calming her heartbeat, she knew he would be there but she didn't really expected him to.

Once the stunning couple was inside the lobby she turned to the man who accompanied her and placed her hand on his chest.

Oh darling! Go get me a drink will you? I'll meet you in the bar. – She said and kissed his cheek, then turned and walked to the man she had spotted. He had changed, but his always eccentric look placed him on everyone's radar. When she arrived close to him, she moved slowly, carefully, not making a sound and then once she reached his ear she whispered- Cute ponytail.

He turned around and stared face to face to the girl who stood by his side through all those years of rough days and helped him when there was nobody who seemed to care. He smiled and chuckled.

- Well I certainly can't believe your waist didn't changed a bit! – He moved close to her and kissed her cheek. He continued while smiling- I hoped you would come. It has been so long. You look amazing, years have been of favor to you sweetie.

- Thank you, you look pretty stunning yourself and I do love that hairstyle, out of the ordinary, a bit too much and yet, still quite delicious, quite a bit you, as always- She replied with a laugh- Though I do must confess I am surprised to see you here. Those were rough times.

-Well – He raised his hand and waved the envelope to her- I was invited and it is RSVP so I wouldn't miss an invitation like that for the world.

- Of course – She chuckled – However those bitches did give you a hard time. I am surprised you are willing to see them again.

- Ten years my dear. It gives people a lot of punches and slaps and to be honest seeing them again is quite a promising show.- He looked around at the wonderfully lit lobby and the elegant furniture- And this scenario. Oh it does promises to be quite a surprising evening. Doesn't it? – He said stretching his arm for her to hold. 

- It does – She said and smiled while grabbing his arm and walking towards the bar were her man awaited them. It did seemed to be a night that promised something, however she felt uneasy at that thought and for a second the idea of that something not being a pleasant something made her want to run away from that place. 

Her thoughts were silenced by the echo of a shouting voice from the entrance of the Four Seasons. Her mind was shocked and turned to where the shout came from. The evening was just starting.

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

... Grateful ...

I sat down at the table and looked around at the circus happening around me, so many people, so many things going on. Everyone was trying to get everything ready, some of them seemed angry or frustrated because they wanted to make a perfect evening for the rest.

Plates being served, people running around, the sound of silverware clashing and the smell of the dishes prepared in the kitchen invaded the whole room. It was crazy. It was alive. It was something I just noticed. There was a happy mood, a joyfull mood. People wanting to please everyone and wanting to have a good time, arguing, being frustrated and stressed but all because they wanted the people they loved to have a wonderful time.

I stopped to think that I was truly grateful to have people around me. the warmth of love and care. People worrying and trying their best to make things perfect because they think that is what will make you happy. Being with people is trully a big fuss and it is crazy, but the feeling of being someone special for someone and that they would go to the point of getting through some big trouble just make one moment of a day, a special moment for you. Because to them, you matter. That moment with you, it matters.

I turned to the window and saw a guy walking through the street alone, a dry look on his eyes, like if excitement had left his life, and he kept walking strong and with an iron stare, nobody escaped his cold sight. I left out a sigh, some people underestimate the warmth of humankind, that warm essence that makes us be kind and have feelings and be noble to others.

All good feelings come from the gathering of people, those who withdraw themselves from that, they start loosing the sensitive sparkle of blessings. I looked back at the crazy circus that was developing on the next room. People shouting at each other, pushing themselves to bring things to the table, running around setting everything up.

Screaming, laughs and giggles came and went by as the kids ran everywhere. Then everyone started grooming up in another circus. Coat exchanges, make up touch ups, hair dos, people laughing some a bit desperate slapped the hands of those who interruped their grooming process.

Then they all went on to the table and sat down a spark on their eyes and a non visible smile hiden in their lips. I stood up, cleared my throat, look at all of them gathered around the table and addressed them:

"My Dear Family, I want to say that I am thankful for having all of you surrounding my table with your blessings, filling my days with your love and making my moments with you glitter with the magic your life brings to mine, I'd like to let you all know how thankful I am for the time you all took to share love and make the bounds between family tighter and stronger. I now want to thank the nature that produced all this ingredients, the men and women who worked to bring them closer to us, the wonderful cooks who transformed them into this marvellous dishes and god in heaven who now gives us life to enjoy them with the company of all here in this room..."

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013


I felt the cold wind hitting my face as once more I felt the whip on my back and the feeling of being nothing flew through me once more.

Looking up at my dreams and the whole road to achieve them, thinking of how i should change to make my dreams come true, be another me. The whole process scared me and made me feel unable to do it, so I stand once more on the doorstep of letting people down, letting myself down.

I start feeling down once again. Then suddenly I think that all I've been through might be a waste, all my time, wasted, all my efforts, all my passion and desires. And just like that the little achievements come back to me, parading on my face all I've accomplished, the small things, that to me seem small, but things that for their own reasons other people haven't done.

It wasn't a waste of time, I've grown through this road, I've turned up a better me. I've accomplished things bigger than I thought I could. The obstacles kept coming and without knowing how I surpassed them all and turned everything to my favor. Every experience that has been on my path has helped me grow, on my fight to keep a smile on my face for the world I've overcome challenges that most would freeze on their feet.

Those small victories are just making me sure of one thing. I can do it.

I can do anything I want, I can achieve all my dreams, being me, I have more opportunities to shine in happiness and glory than I could ever have by faking myself. It's time to rise up and go get the personal glory I want. Yes there will be a lot of hardships on the way, let them come, I don't know how, but I will rise from them when the time comes to face them and I'll move closer to my goals, at my speed, at my pace and at my style.

I will let you see I could, because if your reason tells you, you can't do something. If your reason tells you you can't get one of your dreams. Then shut off your reason and go with your heart.

Strong I set a foot on the ground and stand up looking up to the skies. I can do it. I will do it. Because if I am not ready yet to be there, I will be one day, and then, I'll make my dreams come true. But my movement has already started, small steps, but steps towards my goal. Steps towards my personal victory and to show the world that a crazy being like me, was able to do what they said wouldn't be. I will shine because I am on the road to shine, and just because of that I am already shinning.

sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Wrapped Letters

I turned on the corner and started walking down the street and suddenly something flew right at me and slapped my face. I picked it up it was a pair of letters wrapped in red ribbons.

In the first one someone addressed another person and the second one seemed to be the reply. There was a week of time between them.

Curious I sat on a bench close by and opened the first one that read …

Hello […]:
I have been feeling like a burden lately that has over stayed his welcome, you are coming into your own and have the resolve to go after what you want in life. I could not be prouder. But I do not wish to be a burden or an imposition to you, perhaps it would be best if I say good bye now, and release you from having to be bothered with me.

I have opened my heart and found a wonderful heart in return but I cannot continue to burden you with my problems. You have things of your own to resolve and I know you will. My heart will ache but that is because I am alive, thanks to you.

Tears will be shed, but they will pass and life will go on. I know I may not be making any sense, but I feel that I am holding you back, making you continue to be with me when you have better things to do. I do not wish to be that burden.

I hope you will have the wonderful life you want. I hope you will find someone to love you deeper than the ocean, more sweetly then honey, and as completely as you will love them.

You have meant the world to me.

And for that reason I must let you go.

I hope you will remember a little bit of me.

I will never forget you.

Once I finished it, wiped my eyes for the tears I got by the brief yet sad note and opened the second one.

Dear {…}:
It’s been a while since the stars sparkled in my night sky and I had almost forgotten the warmth of the sun every single day. It has been thanks to you that my world had a twist for the better. I am grateful I met you because for you I wish to be a better person, a better version of me and every day I work to achieve that goal so that I can be someone who brings at least a little joy to your life.

Times have been difficult but I knew what I was stepping into since the beginning, I have to admit that it has not been easy, however I found out that I am able to take more than I believed. So I thank you, my partner, my blessing because whenever I feel like my life is on a gray spot and that there are no reasons why life is worth it, you come back to my memory and give me strength to switch my point of view and move forward in life.

You helped me regain a spark to life I thought it was lost and never coming back. The air through my lungs feels different, the sun on my face and the sweat in my skin, it all makes me feel alive. Thanks to you I now admire the beauties of life and I am able to feel truly grateful for all the blessings life has put into my path.

And now thanks to you now I am able to turn to life and stare at it with a smile on my face, with pride on my past and hope on a dream-come-true future.

So thanks for the time you stayed with me it has been a privilege and all the time you wish to stay by my side it would be an honor to share life with you…

Just please know that without you, my life would not be the same, it might just be a nobody's life, but to me you are a wonderful magnificent treasure who makes and entire difference in this world so I do wish you could stay with me because I trully do love you, slowly it happened but I am completely sure of it ...

...I love you…

Silently I put the letters down and got up, took a deep breath and walked back home. Romeo and Juliet love stories are not fiction, It’s just up to us to create our own story the way we want it to be.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Death XIII

My knees loose their strength and I hit the ground immediately. Slowly, I put my hands on the ground and lift my face, life had a twist I wasn't expecting. Softly the rain showers over my head and shoulders, gently the tiny drops gracefully land on me, moving slowly like a patient and soft yet consistent breeze.

The cold air hits my face and makes me shut my eyes. Within the darkness of my own self I wonder if this is what I wanted, life has turned up somehow that I  didn't expected, while everyone else seems to be comfortable with the situation there is a feeling within me, an uneasiness growing. Everything seems fine however it is not what I wanted, I walked the road everyone wanted their sons to walk, I did my best to make them happy, I wanted to mess up and make mistakes but I always took the right path, a few pushes a side but mostly walked on the path of righteousness.

It all took me through the way of what they expected and moved me further away from what I really wanted, It wasn't much but still as time went by the space separating both roads grew bigger and suddenly I finally stopped moving and saw how the road ahead of me was a path of only what other people could be OK with, but not me. The real me was somewhere else.

Going back to me was going back to the other road, but it was hard moving into a direction that you have been pushing aside all by yourself. My mind played tricks on my me and my actions  when I tried achieving what i wanted and sent me on the opposite directions. At that rate I would never be who I wanted to but who another wanted me to. The situation was terrible, I could feel the desperation in myself of arriving into a zone where I had everything I needed but I was miserable inside.

The view of that future darkened my hopes then all hopes and wishes of grow abandoned me. People wouldn't like me for me because there was no real me, it was only the hopes and wishes of other people but not the real me. But the today me sabotaged me, cornered me and left me with no other choice but to fight back. It seemed I had no choice but to man up. So the basic thing that happened between me and my shadow, was that it knew me too well and it wouldn't let me do as i pleased, but now i realized that if some of us wanted to move on, the other would have to die.

It was time for me to die.

Thoughts, habits and needs are all pulling me back from my true wish. It had to be erased everything so that new things could come along. Wipe out everything, so that new blessings come to me. It sounded bad but it how things are really working out.

Knife in hand I went back to the same spot where I fell down earlier. It is time to murder my own self and in order to do so I found out that  there was still in me. Time was out now. Everything had to change so that I would rise up like a phoenix and soar across the skies and be me.

It was risky, leaving what they wanted you to be, to look for something that could be but was not just the most secure bet on the table. Yet however the certainty within my heart would never allow me to fail when choosing a path to carry on with my life.

I got tired of trying to match everyone's expectations and started taking decisions for myself, murdering the guy everyone knew, the one that pleased everyone, and letting me be. A small sacrifice compared to the rewards coming in future times.

As death comes, life comes as well, when life arrives once more, life has given us a second chance to make our dreams come true. The energy is there in the universe for us to use it and it is willing to side with us as long as we just keep up to the balance. It will be a chance to fly up to the carpet of luck and love by the godess and enjoy the success of the  proud life.

There is a calling within all of us, a calling that makes it worth for everyone to do it, listen and obey, everything would be better. Just ask and the universe will give you anything you want. The time to go back  on tracks and make my life awesome, now that life is in our side.

There is no storm that blows without letting the whole town know about that, so now we are here to listen to the call of the universe to make us better human beings.

Whenever Death comes into our path, it will be because it wants something with us, maybe not yet to the rest in peace of our life, but once after the storm crackles, there's always something good to look after, a small chance, a small change that would make everything worth it.

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013


Slowly she walked into the corner of the street and into the woods, she could hear the dry leaves crackle under her feet as she moved through the leaf covered grass, the scent of wet land made her feel the forest around her as the fragrance got stronger. Her hands went by caressing the trees and feeling the surfaces while slowly she moved deeper into the forest.

The wind started blowing and pushing her hair up into the tree's branches as she went down hill moving faster, she could hear a little splash sound so close by there had to be a river streaming near her path. A quick turn and she went faster, feeling her heart beat go faster as she moved closer to the place where the circle of rocks lied.

When she finally arrived she stared at the branches inside the stone circle, she moved around the stones thinking that the dark time was coming upon them, it was time for the night to take over and the moon energy to flow into the earth for 6 months, the horned god had come to an end in his rule. It was the turn of the goddesses to stand up and balance it all, the cold, dark and powerfully deep era was coming.

She looked at the preparations one last time and pulled a little box from her jacket. Once it was out she lit a candle and kneel thanking the spirits of the fire for their help, energy and balance, then the spirits of water, then the spirits of wind and those of earth. Time seemed to stop after wards and the whole forest stood still and quiet as she got up and looked into the circle of stones. One light bend and she threw the candle into the circle.

"It's time, let them come in perfect love and harmony" Where her words as the woods lighted up in fire within the rock circle.

She took a deep breath and spin around in her own feet. She could feel the nature's energy exploding, manifesting within her. She could feel the salamander of fire burst her soul into fire and passion, the mermaids of water calm and submerge her into the deepness of the emotions, the silphs of wind blew her mind off letting her enjoy the moment no worries as the darves of the earth brought jewels to her feet. The whole nature was blessing the ceremony.

She turned around that magic night the spirits from those who left before us came to visit and she could feel the energies coming around her and joining her in celebration, all nature was joining her. It was the time to do it, the communion with mother nature in the Samhain.

She kneel and thank the goddesses for the blessings given to her and went into the woods dancing as the fire purified the energy around it. She went on spinning and spinning around the woods singin and repeating  songs from old times.

Everything was so deep and perfect and she felt so wonderful doing the ceremony. The day the horned god died, the moment when the strenght of the women was at it's rising.

The ceremony went on and she could feel the fire within burning impetuous and her entire body exploding of all the energy that day was bringing. It was time she accepted the new nature within her. So then she moved back to the fire place and felt the energy around ...

As moments went by she could feel the clean energy within her making her bloom into a wonderful flower that was ready to show the world how great her work was...

It was time to be who she really was and shine with extreme power and light. Now she should let all the energy back into the world and become a support of light and good a source of energy for the people to get better. The horned god died and life was still moving other resources were off on track it was time to start planning on how to get things done...

And just do it. 

Magic lies within you.

Sky's the limit.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

The Bonding

After crossing through the almost empty space of the esplanade under the golden dying sun of the evening, he got to the wooden door and turned back to made sure that nobody had followed him, then he placed his hand on the iron lock and turned it letting out a metallic sound that echoed inside the dark stone walls; he looked once more over his shoulder to make sure that there was nobody around, his grasp tightened on the iron and pulled it towards him opening the door. The dark interior was barely lightened, taking a firm step he entered; he then pulled the door that closed behind his back leaving the space just illuminated by a dim light from above that covered barely the edges of the steps from the spiral staircase that rose in front of him, there were no noises coming from outside and silence within was disturbed just by the sound of the wind blowing, when he took a step into the first step the echo of his boot softly bounced into the darkness, he took another step up, and then another.

Slowly he started climbing the steps his hand touching the cold stones on the sides, feeling his heart starting to beat faster within his chest, the darkness began to look familiar as his eyes started to adjust to the low light level that was within, he moved up a little faster picking up speed, feeling the anxiety starting to rise within him, the sound of his boots started to go out into the distance, he began to hear the sound of his breathing as he climbed up the stairs, faster, his feet were almost running up, he could see the steps that came to light by the small windows placed at the sides of the towers, he kept climbing and panting, excited, as he moved faster and higher, catching speed, his thoughts were flowing into his mind and the memory of that day, the memory of that face started flashing into his mind, he kept moving upstairs feeling his heart beating aggressively in his chest but he kept going.

Small drops of sweat began to appear on his forehead as he ran up through the cold stone steps, the coldness of the evening went into his skin as he moved forward through the barely illuminating light of the golden sun, he could feel drops of sweat leaking from his hair, excited by as he was by the memories he ran faster up feeling his heart pounding in his chest as he knew that he almost reached it, almost there, breathing got harder, into the small cold stone space, his strong legs pressed hardly against the steps while moving to the end, the clothing he wore was starting to get wet by his sweat as drops kept falling from this chin, nose and hair and dripping into the staircase, breathless by exciting and the fast climbing up he finally arrived to the door and there he stood for a while staring at the lock, catching some air silently while his hand rested on the wooden door feeling it rusty against his touch, he passed his hand on through his forehead sending his wet hair to his back, then with a sleeve he dried his face a little and finally his hands on his robes, he let his hand rest on the iron lock of the door and pushed it open forward.

Suddenly the view changed, the room before his eyes was entirely illuminated by the six windows that surrounded the round space, from this windows hanged velvet curtains that were tied up on the edges and the secondary curtain layer of pale silk was moving as the wind blew it into the room softly, gracefully the golden sunbeams were flooding the compartment. Within the space an oak bed claimed the attention helped by the scarlet sheets with golden needlework, next to it was a night table with a simple lamp on it, the celling was high, however the room wasn’t cold, welcoming him at the center was an engraved table where was pitcher and some glasses.

“Do help yourself” said a voice from one of the window “I thought u might enjoy a glass of wine, it was a long way up”

He moved towards the table and poured some wine from the pitcher into a glass and drank it all from it, then filled it again and took another drink, glass in hand he walked towards the moving curtain where the voice came from and the golden sun entered melting with the figure showing a dark silhouette, he arrived to the place the curtain flew between the two, so he placed his hand on the soft light fabric and pulled it softly down to reveal the face that had bewitched his mind, their eyes met in silent, his bright blue eyes went lost into the enchanting, tender and secretive brown eyes before him, his words where melted out from his soul as he saw the face of the man who’s memory had haunted his dreams, when he held out his hand to touch his face, he could feel the soft warm skin and his heart jumped up and bounced rapidly feeling him was delightful, his blue eyes went slowly down the man’s facial features, so delicate and manly, bewitched by his sight he moved forward wrapping his arm around the other man’s  waist pulling the royal blue robe he wore tighter to his skin and bringing him closer.

Their foreheads touched and their breath became one as they drew themselves closer to each other, the other man’s removed the blonde hairs that fell into the face of the man before him, revealing the blue eyes that had trapped him, he felt his arm pulling him closer and he kissed his neck slowly, softly, it was still sweat, he kissed repeatedly slowly moving his hands up in his chest as his brunet hair was caressed softly, he felt his robe being pulled up, closed his eyes and saw the blue fabric fell on the floor, he unbuckled the belt of his lover, let it fell down and moved back to him taking off his jacket, their bare chests together, his lips were caressed by other ones, they felt rough on his, he opened his mouth softly, his eyes closed, feeling his warmth closer to his as their lips touched and pressed together, closing and separating softly then meeting again, their warm selves melting together when the tip of their tongues touched, the strong arms of the blonde were gripping  him tightly as their tongues played with each other, moving from one mouth to the other, breathing when they separated just to meet once more, the air felt like steam between them, their pants felt down as they kept kissing eagerly while moving towards the bed, behind the clinging sound of the glass was ignored as the wine was spilled on the floor and travelled through the stone’s divisions.

The brunette finally opened his eyes as he felt the bed bump on the back of his legs, the sight before him took his breath away for a second, the tall athletic blonde stood nude in front of him his blue eyes looking at him as he seemed to glow with the sun on his back, he pulled him closer and they both fell on the bed kissing, their hands moving through their bodies as they legs entwined slowly, they rolled on the bed, the time seemed to have stopped they were sweating their breathing were rough, the brown eyed man rose up slowly as his hands moved up his lover’s body from his waist up to his wide broad chest and a deep moan came out of him flooding the room, he felt his erection rubbing next to the hardness of his partner and moved his hips on him as they rubbed together then lowered himself to kiss the lips that started to became his addiction he felt a hand grabbing both their sexes and another moan escaped from him they started moving together feeling the warm within each other increase as time went by.

Soon the lust was making them boil inside they rolled around once more and the strong arms of the blond man separated the legs of his lover as they kissed deeply, their tongues holding tight to each other not wanting to let go, he rubbed his hardness between the other’s cheeks feeling him and his member pushing up on him; the man under the bed wrapped his arms around his lover’s neck and pulled him close as he felt him closer to his entrance, then he kissed him deeply once more getting lost within his partner when he felt him getting slowly inside him, opening him.

The entrance was tight and warm but it opened as he moved forward, he advanced deeper slowly into the needing body of his accomplice who held onto his back with his nails tightly as a soft deep moan came out of him as he heard a deeper moan on his left ear while the other man claimed him deeper and went deeper in filling him, his throat went dry and he pulled him close wanting him deeper, needing him deeper within, one of his hands reached for one of his partner’s and they held tightly as they burned together and merged within each other.

Feeling the man who haunted his mind once more was pure ecstasy and being within him made him loose his mind as their bodies kept moving together in need for each other, caressed by the golden rays of the sun when time stopped and they were one, their cores becoming one, their souls entwined together rising up both of them high above everything to a point where the stars sparkled by their sides and their lives echoed together in time for a second and a lifetime at the same time bonded together the heat increased taking them both to a point where an explosion between them wrapped their souls as one and made them each other’s for eternity.

Panting softly he caressed the brown hairs of the man he loved, revealing his brown eyes, and kissed once more his soft lips, he wrapped his arms around him and they both looked away through the window into the night sky as a couple of stars far away were sparkling together as one, as they were now, together, in love.