jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

... Grateful ...

I sat down at the table and looked around at the circus happening around me, so many people, so many things going on. Everyone was trying to get everything ready, some of them seemed angry or frustrated because they wanted to make a perfect evening for the rest.

Plates being served, people running around, the sound of silverware clashing and the smell of the dishes prepared in the kitchen invaded the whole room. It was crazy. It was alive. It was something I just noticed. There was a happy mood, a joyfull mood. People wanting to please everyone and wanting to have a good time, arguing, being frustrated and stressed but all because they wanted the people they loved to have a wonderful time.

I stopped to think that I was truly grateful to have people around me. the warmth of love and care. People worrying and trying their best to make things perfect because they think that is what will make you happy. Being with people is trully a big fuss and it is crazy, but the feeling of being someone special for someone and that they would go to the point of getting through some big trouble just make one moment of a day, a special moment for you. Because to them, you matter. That moment with you, it matters.

I turned to the window and saw a guy walking through the street alone, a dry look on his eyes, like if excitement had left his life, and he kept walking strong and with an iron stare, nobody escaped his cold sight. I left out a sigh, some people underestimate the warmth of humankind, that warm essence that makes us be kind and have feelings and be noble to others.

All good feelings come from the gathering of people, those who withdraw themselves from that, they start loosing the sensitive sparkle of blessings. I looked back at the crazy circus that was developing on the next room. People shouting at each other, pushing themselves to bring things to the table, running around setting everything up.

Screaming, laughs and giggles came and went by as the kids ran everywhere. Then everyone started grooming up in another circus. Coat exchanges, make up touch ups, hair dos, people laughing some a bit desperate slapped the hands of those who interruped their grooming process.

Then they all went on to the table and sat down a spark on their eyes and a non visible smile hiden in their lips. I stood up, cleared my throat, look at all of them gathered around the table and addressed them:

"My Dear Family, I want to say that I am thankful for having all of you surrounding my table with your blessings, filling my days with your love and making my moments with you glitter with the magic your life brings to mine, I'd like to let you all know how thankful I am for the time you all took to share love and make the bounds between family tighter and stronger. I now want to thank the nature that produced all this ingredients, the men and women who worked to bring them closer to us, the wonderful cooks who transformed them into this marvellous dishes and god in heaven who now gives us life to enjoy them with the company of all here in this room..."

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